Southern Bulldog Club NZ

What Class do I enter?



Class No. 1 / 1a - Baby Puppy Dog / Baby Puppy Bitch

For dogs or bitches three and under six months of age, on the first day of the show.

Class No. 2 / 2a - Minor Puppy Dog / Minor Puppy Bitch

For dogs or bitches six and under nine months of age on the first day of the show.

Class No. 3 / 3a - Puppy Dog / Puppy Bitch

For dogs or bitches six and under twelve months of age on the first day of the show.

Class No. 4 / 4a - Novice Dog / Novice Bitch

For dogs or bitches that have not won a first prize except in a Baby Puppy Class under six months of age at any Open or Championship Show, up to the time of closing of entries at any show.

Class No. 5 / 5a - Junior Dog / Junior Bitch

For dogs or bitches twelve and under twenty-four months of age on the first day of the show.

Class No. 6 / 6a - Intermediate Dog / Intermediate Bitch

For dogs or bitches twenty-four months of age and under thirty-six months of age on the first day of the show.

Class No. 7 / 7a - Limit Dog / Limit Bitch

For dogs or bitches which have not won more than four Challenge Certificates up to the time of closing of entries at any Championship Show. Overseas Champions are ineligible for Limit Class in New Zealand.

Class No. 8 / 8a - New Zealand Bred Dog / New Zealand Bred Bitch

For dogs or bitches born in New Zealand, six months of age and over on the first day of the show.

Class No. 9 - Stud Dog

For dogs which have sired one or more registered litters. (NB This is a breed class only; dogs are not judged with or by their progeny.)

Class No. 9a - Brood Bitch

For bitches which have whelped one or more registered litters. (NB This is a breed class only; bitches are not judged with or by their progeny.)

Class No.10 / 10a - Veteran Dog / Veteran Bitch

For dogs or bitches seven years or over on the first day of the show.

Class No. 11 / 11a - Open Dog / Open Bitch

For any dog or bitch six months of age and over on the first day of the show.


ALL BREEDS & GROUP CLUBS are permitted to schedule a maximum of seven breed classes at their shows. These must include Puppy, Junior, Intermediate & Open classes. Most NZ clubs will also schedule a Baby Puppy & NZ Bred class.


MULTI-BREEDS& SPECIALIST CLUBS are permitted to schedule any of the breed classes listed, with Puppy, Junior, Intermediate & Open classes being obligatory.



Clubs may have any of the listed breed classes at Ribbon Parades.

Champions, and any dogs qualified for the title of Champion, are not permitted to enter breed classes at Ribbon Parades but may compete in any Stakes classes scheduled.


NEUTERED DOGS AND BITCHES may not compete in breed classes at All Breeds or Group Championship Shows but are permitted to enter any scheduled Stakes classes. They can compete in breed classes at Open Shows.

Neutered dogs and bitches may also compete in breed classes at Specialist Club’s Championship Shows providing the officiating club has advertised in its Official Schedule that neutered dogs / bitches may enter the breed classes (i.e. it is optional for the club to permit this).



Contact Details

PO Box 137
Leithfield Beach, 7446, NZ
Email : [email protected]